Saturday 30 April 2011

The Past and Pending

A lot of people have a morbid fascination with the past. In the modern age where data is cheap, all emails are preserved, facebook preserves your old conversations, and you're constantly reminded of how you once looked and who you once knew.

The obsession permeates into the present. Anywhere something beautiful is happening you're guaranteed to see five cameras pointing at it. People are so preoccupied with preemptive reminiscence they barely realise they were there to see what was in the photo they just took.

A dimension of the hollowness comes from the focus on sight, as if all our perception is wrapped up in this one sense. For me, experiencing a moment is much more than that; there is subtle a feel to a place that can be masked by trying to fit it in a photo; chasing it and trying to hold it for eternity so that it runs away like a spooked animal.

To experience a place I allow it be tied to a time and become lost in the moment, and in that way it becomes part of the eternal wash of the world, mine, and no one's.

The Past and Pending