Thursday 24 November 2011

Skill of the Moment

I used think it was important to underatand everything. To know the workings of things in order to better use them. These days that is less true. I would settle for better presentation.

If you're flirting with a girl, you don't want to be thinking about the farcical nature of social contracts. You want to say funny, witty things about stuff she has heard of, maybe show a passion for something in life. If you work on a farm you don't need to know the theory of sowing crops, you need to be fit, strong, and not mind long hours.

Understanding is not always a path to happiness, but participation usually is. Being in a moment and engaging with it. That will give you more enjoyment than knowing how many neutrinos hit you every hour.

Engage with the moment like you're playing a sport; with a clear mind and absolute conviction. The exam is over. Put down your pens. Life starts now.