Monday 27 June 2011


Gary is a strange fellow I almost instantly decided I didn't like, but I haven't admitted it to myself yet. He chases tail like no person I have ever met. He has shagged a lady boy and tried it on with a crying girl. He is now on 103 for Oz. He disturbs me.

And yet he's an alright guy. Always smiles, has good banter, and is very honest about all his life. He doesn't hide anything or use any subterfuge to entice women. He is simply relentless and happy, and that's all he needs.

By now we're all entering a friendly realm of existentialism brought on by an abundance of sunshine, and in more distant moments he appears like Marla, blowing smoke in my face while I'm trying to find my power animal.

Friday 24 June 2011

I Love Radiohead

Though originally I completely took to anyone who claimed to share my taste in music, I've become much more cautious about it in the last two years. A surprising number of girls have told me they loved Radiohead and later were scarcely familiar with High and Dry.

It's not that I'm a music sob; I'd like to think those days are behind me. My knowledge is way out of date anyway. It's that I don't want to make a connection with someone I have a false idea of, talking about something they don't get.

Now whenever someone makes the claim I sigh with a mix of past disappointment and waning hope, and launch into a subtle quiz, a conversational dance, searching to see if this one is telling the truth.

Update; Found a fan. Way random.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Straight Tens

For years I had joked about ranking things out of ten. It kicked off as a college joke where whenever anything happened or someone said something, you said a number out of ten and it was understood that what had just happened had been judged.

Meanwhile, in Darwin, TOT (Tits Out Tuesday) was happening, waiting for judgement.

Years later, yesterday, scorecards were made and banter was had. It was like art attack hit the hostel; prit stick and bits of cardboard covered the bottle crowded table. In the end the masterpieces were unveiled to the amusement of all, and Brambo happily kept.up his notoriety.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Day ?

I awoke in an unfamiliar location unsure of my surroundings and sat upright, allowing the room's gentle swaying to stop. The air conditioning got louder and quieter and eventually settled down as the room came into focus. People. Clothes. Daemons. Colours. All packed into the same room. I turned to my dog who was floating somewhere near the ceiling. "We'll be lucky to get out of this one alive."

The people were now staring at me. Vultures the lot of them. Not to be trusted. Luckily the door opened and we made a dash into the corridor. Can't be too careful these days.

Friday 10 June 2011


If you ask any travelling dog owner who they miss most from home, they'll always say their dog. Friends and family are close to the top, sure, but the dog always tops the poll by an indisputable margin. On the road up to Darwin, and even in Darwin, wherever there was a dog we were all over it.

In the same way that talking to an old friend does, playing with a dog just feels like home.

Tuesday 7 June 2011


An impromptu water fight at a petrol station between several Australian, Canadian and German girls broke out in Jabiru and it was wonderful.

Sunday 5 June 2011

The French Exit

You're out drinking with your friends. You get very drunk and suddenly feel completely compelled to leave the pub or club you're in. 40 minutes later your friends wonder where you are.

You have made a French Exit.

Saturday 4 June 2011

The Cav

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.


Every so often someone does something defining that becomes named after them. Their name or names become synonymous with the action, and history remembers their folly through the deeds of others.

Here, I present two oldies, along with a new entry from last night.

***Paragraph Removed***

To be frustrated by a cyclist or driver, drop a gear, floor the accelerator, and eject your exhaust. Or to act out of rage and fail instantly.
To like someone who you annoy the crap out of, get drunk, and leave 16 missed calls from 4 different numbers making everyone think you're a psycho.
I'd love to know if anyone else has any of these.

Thursday 2 June 2011


Recently on my travels I met Stu.

A little about him... When Brayden sourced a wheelchair Stu went on a night out in the chair claiming to have bruised his lower spine skydiving. He was welcomed into the main club in town by the manager.
Stu is insane.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Acclimatising... Making the climate right.

How to acclimatise; you will need
1 Car
1 Large and well placed continent
1 Thermometer.

Only Step
Choose your desired temperature and drive up and down until you find it.

Funny hat day

We dropped out to see the gals working. There were hats. :-)